9th US National & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering header image 3

Exhibitors & Co-Sponsors

If you want to maximize your exposure to the earthquake engineering, earthquake science, and tsunami communities in the US and Canada, you can’t afford to miss this conference!

This unique conference will bring together professionals from a broad range of disciplines: architecture, civil and structural engineering, seismology, geology, geophysics, geotechnical engineering, business, public policy, the social sciences, regional planning, emergency response planning, and regulation. Join us in making this conference a milestone in earthquake engineering.

Our new web pages for exhibitors and sponsors are under construction. Check back soon to learn about our pricing structure for booths in the exhibit hall, opportunities for sponsorship, and more!  In the meantime download our brochure for sponsors & exhibitorsAbobe Acrobat icon to get started.

Exhibit space and sponsorship opportunities are going fast!
There are many options available from sponsoring to exhibiting, and we will be happy to work with you to develop a package that suits your needs.

Who Will Be There